About Dr kalan


Full Name: Farzollah Gholizadeh “Drkalan”
Title: Consultant, researcher, and author
Farzollah Gholizadeh Kalan
September 06, 1970 (age 52)
Kalan, Tabriz, Iran.
phd of nutrition
Occupation: Consultant, researcher, and author
Years active: 1989–present
Known for: Drkalan
Titles: Consultant – Researcher – Author
Founder of DrKalan Natural Herbal products

Farzollah Gholizadeh, known as Dr. Kalan, is married, has three children, is a teacher, consultant, researcher and writer from Tabriz and was born in 1970.
His academic studies were first in the field of psychology, after many researches and experiences, he established that the mind and body are not separate from each other, and the problems and diseases of each have an effect on the other, and the treatment and balance of the mind and body are separate from each other; so he directed his studies towards a healthy lifestyle, natural nutrition methods and natural treatments (Yunani medicine, Acupuncture medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine ,medicinal plants and other natural treatment methods) and completed their studies in the field of oriental medicine and human nutrition sciences.

The result of his research, which began in 1989 and has continued over the years of cooperation with many universities and research centers in Iran, Malaysia, Germany, India, China, Russia, Italy, etc., is in the form of dozens of volumes of Books and hundreds of published articles .
Dr. Kalan, after years of experience and knowledge, started the production of natural products under Dr. Kalan brand in the green country of Malaysia in 2010, and then in 2016, they moved their activities and production to the beautiful country of Turkey. Dr. Kalan’s products are inspired by nature and are produced based on the principles and philosophy of natural medicine and in accordance with the natural temperament of humans.

Currently, the production of Dr. Kalan’s natural products and supplements continues in Türkiye.
Dr. Kalan is teaching, researching, authoring, guiding and consulting in Ankara. He also participates in conferences, seminars and various television and social media programs as a trainer of healthy lifestyle and nutrition and a positive attitude towards life.
Dozens of books have been published by Dr. Kalan in Persian and Turkish languages. Some of them are mentioned below:
In Persian:
General Psychology (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
personality psychology
Psychology of the soul
Psychology and parapsychology
Psychology of the mind
The psychology of ignorance
Religion, education, morality
Holy union marriage
Correct methods of study and learning
Children’s mental health
Children, this is the behavior of parents
Child education in the family environment
Why worry?
Types and temperaments (in two volumes)
Self-healing man
Physiology of nerves and glands
Ibn Sina’s 9 treatises on wisdom and nature
cold and hot

In Turkish:
Eraze nafasani
İnsan mizaçları ve sağlıklı beslenme
Sitte-i Zaruriye(sağlığın mimarı )
Nezle ve Zukam
Fitoterapi(cilt 1,cilt 2 ve cilt 3)
İstifrağat(Hacamat,kupa ,sülük ,terleme,kusma,ishal ve……)(cilt 1, cild 2 ve cilt 3)
Sağlıkta Vitaminlerin Rolü
Sağlıkta Minerallerin Rolü
Sağlıkta Şekerlerin ve Karbonhidratların Rolü
Sağlıkta Yağların Rolü
Sağlıkta Proteinlerin Rolü
Yiyin, Lezzet alın ve Zayıflayın
Elaim ve Delail(cilt 1; cilt 2 ve cilt3)
Delak ve Gamz(Masaj, Manuelterapi ve Refleksoloji)
Meridyenler ve Akupunktur
Kabzelik hastalıkların anesi !
Nefes terapi ve nefes egzersizleri
Geleneksel tıbbda taşların ve metaların mizacı ve etkisi
Geleneksel tıbbda kadin hastalıkları
Geleneksel tıbbda deri ve tüh takvayaları
Geleneksel tıp ve diyabet
90 günde zayıflama ve sağlık

Cehaletin Bedeli
Şık ve Ütü Çekilmiş Yalan
Mukaddes Yalan

And hundreds of articles published in magazines: Iran, Malaysia, UAE, Turkey, England, Germany and……